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Exporting IDI Results, Demographic Question, and Customized Question Responses

This article is intended for licensed IDI Qualified Administrators. If you are not a licensed IDI Qualified Administrator and are interested in being licensed to use the Intercultural Development Inventory, visit this article: Should I become an IDI Qualified Administrator (QA)?

As a QA, you are able to export select IDI data from the Generate Reports page, including:

  • Respondent names (as entered by respondents when completing the IDI)
  • IDI Login Code usernames
  • Perceived Orientation (PO) scores
  • Developmental Orientation (DO) scores
  • Orientation Gap (OG)
  • Date submitted
  • Demographic question responses
  • Custom questions and selected responses

Only licensed IDI Qualified Administrators are able to export this information. Non-QAs that are added to Enterprise Accounts are not licensed and are not able to complete this process.


Helpful Tip:

When inputting the group username, please ensure that is it formatted correctly. The format of group username (####-[name]) is as follows:

  • 4 or 5 digit account prefix (####)
  • Hyphen or dash (-)
  • Group name created when the login code order was placed
  • No spaces in the group username


Searching for IDI Data and Exporting Results

  1. In the Dashboard of the account page, click Generate Reports

  2. Enter the Group Username (####-[name])
    • No spaces in the group username

  3. Click Search (New). This will generate a table of the raw data scores (also known as Search Results), as well as allow you to select Individual Report and IDP or Group Report and Admin Report.

  4. To search for additional groups, remove the previously searched username (DO NOT click Clear Search Results)

  5. Enter the new group's username

  6. Click Search (Add). This will populate additional assessment data in the table (at the bottom of the page, the total number of records will change)

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each group that you need to search for and include in your results

  8. Click the Excel icon to the right of the Download All button. This will export the results in the table into a spreadsheet for you to review.
    Click Excel.png

Note: This export will not generate IDI Reports.


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