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Meaningful Difference Between Pre-Test and Post-Test IDI Results

Meaningful Difference

Generally, a change or difference of 7 points or more is considered meaningful in the IDI. This is derived from the consensus that a difference of at least 1/2 of an Orientation (also, one half of a standard deviation) is likely to be meaningful to a respondent.

Note: Because IDC scores fall along a bell curve, each Orientation is one standard deviation from 100, with the first half of Minimization being 1 standard deviation, and the 2nd half of Minimization also being 1 standard deviation.

Scores in the first half of the range of Minimization can be considered "early" Minimization, while scores in the 2nd half can be considered "late" Minimization. As a person moves through Minimization they begin to increase cultural self-understanding, including awareness around power and privilege as well as other patterns of cultural difference (e.g., conflict resolution styles), culture-general frameworks (e.g., individualism/collectivism), and culture-specific patterns.

A person in early Minimization may assume commonalities and not fully recognize cultural differences when present. As they move into middle/late Minimization they may being to more accurately recognize cultural commonalities and differences but may not fully attend to the differences. Thus, even if a person remains in Minimization from pre- to post-test, there can be meaningful differences in their experiences.


Statistical Significance

QAs can also utilize statistical analysis (such as a t-test) to determine whether there are significant differences between pre- and post-test scores.

We recommend using a paired t-test to determine if the changes in the group's scores are significant, however, consult a statistician if needed.

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