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Should it be assumed that a person in the very early stages of Minimization still has Polarization or Denial tendencies, beliefs, thoughts, or attitudes?

This article is intended for licensed IDI Qualified Administrators. If you are not a licensed IDI Qualified Administrator and are interested in being licensed to use the Intercultural Development Inventory, visit this article: Should I become an IDI Qualified Administrator (QA)?


No, it should not be assumed. While it could be possible, there is no way of knowing, and it would do more harm than good to focus on that possibility. One goal of the IDI Profile reports is to help QAs and clients focus more deeply on their Developmental Orientation (DO), as this is the primary approach being used and where development must occur for continued movement along the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC).


One distinction you can make is that there is a difference between the early stages of Minimization and the later stages of Minimization.  Scores in the first half of the range of Minimization (85-100) can be considered "early" Minimization, while scores in the 2nd half (100-115) can be considered "late" Minimization. As a person moves through Minimization they begin to increase cultural self-understanding, including awareness around power and privilege as well as other patterns of cultural difference (e.g., conflict resolution styles), culture-general frameworks (e.g., individualism/collectivism), and culture-specific patterns. A person in early Minimization may assume commonalities and not fully recognize cultural differences when present. As they move into middle/late Minimization they may begin to more accurately recognize cultural commonalities and differences but may not fully attend to the differences.

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