There is not a set minimum number or percentage of participants IDI, LLC recommends should complete the IDI in order to get a clear picture of an organization's level of intercultural competence. Because an organization or group is made up of people, to get the most accurate understanding of the organization, ideally the IDI would be administered to as many individuals as possible. However, we understand that this is not always possible due to lack of resources.
If QAs opt to do a sample of the organization, they should think carefully about how they select the individuals who are asked to/allowed to participate, and what implications that might have on others in the organization who do not have the same opportunity.
IDI, LLC does not have guidelines on sampling; we recommend that QAs contact a statistician for guidance.
One alternative approach is to start by administering the IDI with all members of leadership teams. This would not be representative of the organization as a whole, but would represent those who likely have the most influence, make policies, etc., and can provide useful information.