When individuals log into the IDI Assessment, they are asked for their preferred language. From there, they are taken to the welcome page, which is displayed their language of choice.
The Welcome page to complete the IDI contains the following text:
Your honest responses to the IDI are crucial to its effectiveness. If your name or identification is asked for, your individual responses will be kept in strict confidence.
responding to items
There are no right or wrong answers, nor "good" or "bad" responses. Respond to each statement based on your first, initial reaction. BE SURE to respond to each and every item. Ignoring some statements will mean that your total responses will not reflect your own personal viewpoint, and your completed survey cannot be properly analyzed. The items in the IDI are drawn from actual statements made by people from many cultures throughout the world. The wording and content of the items reflect a range of viewpoints toward cultural differences. It is important that you respond to each item based on your agreement or disagreement with the overall content of each item. You should not respond based on whether you believe a certain type of statement should or should not be made or whether you like or dislike the way a statement is worded.
Some of the items in the IDI express a viewpoint that you might not feel comfortable expressing to others. When responding to these types of statements in the IDI, you should think about the degree to which you agree or disagree with the overall content or meaning of each statement as if you "overheard" someone make that statement.
defining "culture"
Each of us has a worldview that is related to participation in one or more culture groups. These groups are typically defined by national and/or ethnic boundaries, but they may also represent other affiliations. In the IDI, terms such as "our culture" or "my culture" refer to the culture group(s) to which you feel you "belong" the most. The terms "other cultures," "people from different cultures," or "different cultures" refer to groups to which you do not feel you belong.
Try to think about the other culture groups with which you are familiar. Please avoid considering cultures that you know only from media. Respond to each item in the IDI in terms of the specific culture groups with which you have had the most contact or experience.
Upon completion of the IDI the following message is displayed:
thank you
Thank you for completing the assessment. You will not be able to log in now that your assessment is complete.