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Overview of Student Online IDI Debrief Program

This article is intended for licensed IDI Qualified Administrators. If you are not a licensed IDI Qualified Administrator and are interested in being licensed to use the Intercultural Development Inventory, visit this article: Should I become an IDI Qualified Administrator (QA)?



The Student Online IDI Debrief Program (Online Debrief Program) is an online program designed exclusively for student respondents of the IDI to assist IDI Qualified Administrators (QAs) in completing IDI Individual Debriefs with students. The program is available for purchase ($7/student) and automates the IDI Individual Debrief with students. The program is available as an add on to the Student IDI assessment ($13/student).

QAs who administer the IDI with students may wish to purchase access to the Student Online Debrief Program for their students to more easily enable them to provide Individual Profile Reports and IDPs to their students without the need to schedule an individual one-on-one meeting with each student. 

QA who are interested in this program can order it in their QA Account, along with the IDI. While ordering is done within the QA's IDI account, the program itself is accessed through the IDI Online Debrief System – a separate program that contains the Student Online IDI Debrief Program.


How does the Online Student Debrief Program work?

After completing the IDI Assessment in conjunction with an educational course or program, a student will be able to log into the online program to complete an Individual IDI Debrief tailored to their Developmental Orientation (DO).  This allows QAs to administer the IDI to students and provide them with their Individual Profile Report and IDP without needing to schedule time to conduct the Individual Debrief personally, enabling educators to share IDI Individual results (IDI Individual Profile Report and IDP) with large numbers of students. 

In addition, if login codes for the Student Online Debrief Program are purchased at the same time as IDI Assessment login codes, the IDI system will automatically send the student their Individual Profile Report, IDP, and login code for the Debrief Program upon completion of the IDI Assessment, further saving time for QAs.

Once an order for login codes to the Online Debrief System is placed in an individual QA account or in an Enterprise Account on the IDI Assessment website, an account will automatically be created for the individual or Enterprise in the Online Debrief system. This account allows QAs to view and manage student debrief enrollments.

Each order for the Student Online IDI Debrief Program will have one corresponding code that gives students access to the program. There will be only one code for each order, regardless of how many enrollments are purchased in that order. For example, if you place an order for 20 debriefs, you will receive 20 enrollments for the Online Debrief Program that can be accessed with that one same code.

Each time a student (user) creates an account in the Student Online IDI Debrief Program with a code, one enrollment associated with that code will be used. The number of enrollments each code has is dependent on how many Student Online IDI Debriefs were purchased in that specific order. Each subsequent order will have a different code.

For more information about the Student Online Debrief Program please see the article Student Online IDI Debrief Program FAQS or contact us at support@idiinventory.com. 



Student Online IDI Debrief Program (Online Debrief Program) – An online program designed exclusively for student respondents of the IDI to assist IDI Qualified Administrators (QAs) in completing IDI Individual Debriefs with students. The program is available for purchase and automates the Individual Debrief with students, allowing QAs to share Individual Profile Reports and IDPs with students without needing to meet one-on-one.

Online Debrief Code – The code provided upon purchase of Online Debriefs. An order for an Online Debrief Code can have any number of enrollments, all which will have the same code.

EnrollmentsProvides students access to the Online Debrief Program.

UserA student enrolled in the Online Debrief Program.

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