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Student Online IDI Debrief Program Administrator Menu

This article is intended for licensed IDI Qualified Administrators. If you are not a licensed IDI Qualified Administrator and are interested in being licensed to use the Intercultural Development Inventory, visit this article: Should I become an IDI Qualified Administrator (QA)?


Once you are logged into the Student Online Debrief System you can access the Administrator Menu from the Home Page by clicking the link Administrator Menu at the top left of the page.

Administrator Menu - Users


Here you can see a list of the users (students) in your account. Click on the green leaf on the right side of the page for user Enrollments, where you can view information and access functions for each student including:

  • Course
    • Which IDI Debrief(s) the user (student) is enrolled in
      • Students could be enrolled in more than one course, if they have taken the IDI and received access to the Online Debrief Program more than once (for example in a pre-post situation)
  • Start date
    • The date the course became available to the student
  • Due date
    • The due date for the course, if you have set one for the user; otherwise will be blank. Note that you can only set due dates on the user level, rather than for a course or group
  • End date
    • The date the course closes (e.g. becomes unavailable to the student), if you have set a close date for the user; otherwise will be blank. Note that you can only set an end date on the user level, rather than for a course or group
  • Status
    • Shows student’s status in the course. Enrolled (= Enrolled but incomplete) or Completed
  • Reset
    • Enables you to reset the student’s progress in the course
  • Activity
    • Click on the bars to see student’s completion status, current time spent in course, and current score
  • Modify
    • Enables you to set or edit a due date for a course enrollment (on the user level)
  • At the bottom of the page, you can delete an enrollment (e.g. remove the course from the user’s account). Note that this does not remove the user from the system but deletes the course from the user’s account. To delete a user from the system, please contact support@idiinventory.com.

  • At the top of the page you can also add an enrollment (green leaf with + sign), for example, if a student accidently chose the wrong course when they enrolled.

  • Use +Add Course(s) to add the correct course for the user. You can also use X Remove Course(s) to remove an incorrect course.

Administrator Menu – Groups – Enrollments

Because each group will be made up of students in many different courses (e.g. with different Developmental Orientations), this function is not used in the IDI Student Debrief Program, as you will not be enrolling a group of students into one particular course.

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