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IDI Assessment Website
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IDI Scores and Data
IDI Scores and Data
Uploading IDI Data to a Separate Database
Number of People Needed to Get a "Snapshot" of an Organization
Sharing IDI Data for Research
We completed the IDI with a sample of our organization. Was our sample size large enough?
IDI Respondent Data Retention
Frequency of IDI Developmental Orientations on Average
Seven Points as a Meaningful Difference in Relation to the Orientation Gap
In post-test results of the IDI, the Range of Orientations shows that the percentage of individuals in each orientation shifted up along the continuum. However, the average DO & PO are very similar. How is this possible?
IDI, LLC and Benchmarking Data
Developmental Orientation vs. Precise Score
What is the Score Range for Each Orientation in the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC)?
Can a respondent or group have a Perceived Orientation that is lower than their Developmental Orientation?
Perceived Orientation (PO) as "Aspirational"
Differences in IDI Results Based on Gender, Age, or Other Characteristics
Increase in IDI Scores Over Time
Decrease in Developmental Orientation (DO) and/or Perceived Orientation (PO) Scores From Pre- to Post-Assessment
Meaningful Difference Between Pre-Test and Post-Test IDI Results
IDI, LLC Data Collection by Demographics